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Welcome to That’s The Spot Acupuncture!
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
(Thomas Edison, 1903)
At That’s The Spot Acupuncture, I provide integrative care with a focus on pain management, stress reduction, immune health, and overall system regulation. I have successfully treated Coughs, Colds, Constipation, IBS, Acid Reflux, Insomnia, Low Back Pain, Neck and Shoulder pain, and more. We will work together to understand and address your health concerns with a shared commitment to enhancing your well-being.
By discussing your symptoms and goals, we’ll work as a team to explore the best approach for treating your condition. Healing is a collaboration. Our partnership allows us to identify your unique needs, utilize available supports, and move towards the health outcomes you’re striving for.
Feel Better Naturally,
- Be free from pain and inflammation
- Get help and relief from stress, anxiety or depression.
- Boost your immune system and prevent illness
- Experience increased mental clarity
- Experience an inner calm, and better energy
Experience the science and healing art of acupuncture at That’s The Spot Acupuncture and find relief for a wide range of physical, emotional and energetic conditions.
Please take some time to browse through this website as it contains valuable information to help you understand what you can expect from That’s The Spot Acupuncture.